Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Confrontation, Part 2

TREMBLE before the indignation of a younger sister!

WITNESS a passive-aggressive squabble!

SMIRK at the ridiculousness!

H, your comic is a testament to your self-absorption.

It was my trip, not YOURS. And a guilt trip is hardly what I had in mind, kiddo*. I wanted to go West and live, dammit! I wanted to climb every mountain, to shop and demand that you feed and entertain me! These are pleasures that too few people have experienced. And if I visit in a couple of months instead of a couple of weeks, won’t that be something to look forward to? I think it is.

It's good that you're defying our DNA and confronting me – in comic form, no less. [Please wear a cape for the next installment.] I suppose I should be glad that you can express yourself in our blog, lest your anger inappropriately come out after a beer or two (or five).

H spoke from the heart, and I heard her. I almost regret giving her my sunglasses after she lost hers.

*I am such the older sister.


Anonymous said...

M's writing is funny, but true H. She was probably looking forward to that trip and wishes she could have gone. She'll be out to visit you when "the man" gives her enough money.

Shouldn't you forgive her (and wear a cape)?

Dr X

donjmurray said...

Missing the land of milk and honey eh???? I would run jump and steal my way here!!!!! The mountains are wonderful and the "badlands" are super. I guess the guest bedroom is going to have to be on hold for awhile........shucks.

Sam said...

Sisters - can't live with them, can't live without 'em.

Actually, my sister and I never fight, we're really close, and I miss her like hell. But she's on the Other side of the Atlantic. Damn.

H said...

Ah, so that's the way it's gonna