Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bringing Back the Memories

Seeing H with her freakin' diary again made me a bit nostalgic. I had my share of pre-teen/teen/adult angst over the years - still do - but diaries were quintessentially H. Too much effort for me, not to mention worries that my sisters would read them (a valid fear) and torment me even further.

Mostly, I like remembering the simpler time when we were wee: collecting stickers, creating stories worthy of soap operas for our Barbies, playing "school" in the basement, stealing candy from H (in my defense, she saved her Hallowe'en loot for months, a Herculean effort for a child). She always saved her allowance too, but I didn't know where she hid it.

Given my advanced years, I sometimes enjoy sparing the peevishness and spoiling the brat. Sappy, I know, but I found an empty beer bottle and thought fondly of H.

M & H: The Early Years

A Very Good Beginning

Holidays - H is quietly disturbed by my joie de vivre

We rocked those costumes!

The installment with the awkward teen photos will be much more interesting. Right, H?


Anonymous said...

You two are so cute!

H said...

Oh man, we were supposed to be Tom and Jerry that year! The pink and brown felt material really helped to shape M's current fashion sense.

Anonymous said...

Aw. Now aren't reminiscences and cute pictures much better than bickering over who didn't visit who and who called who what?

Plus, I can relate to both of you. Like M, I've never had a diary (quelle surprise). Like H, I've also saved my Hallowe'en candy for far too long.

Anyhow, those pics were super-sweet. I can't wait to see the awkward teen ones! :)

Dr X

Sebastien Millon said...

Haha, you guys are awesome! That last picture was hilarious...

I never had a diary or a journal or memoirs or whatever a male person calls those sorts of things. I'm trying to limit the amount of things that can incriminate me, ya know?

Kurt said...

Bring on the awkward teen photos!