Tuesday, July 17, 2007

And So It Goes

There once was a little girl, who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead,
And when she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was bad, she was horrid.

-H.W. Longfellow

You know, my parents often told me that lovely verse had been written just for a young me and after reading the last blog entry, you'll probably agree. H - wordsmith of champions - has beautifully told a very humiliating and unflattering part of my life and amused a dozen or so readers. Don't worry, she'll tell more. And I've been thinking: while have a pretty good idea how to get her back (coming soon!), how to respond now? Like a low-budget, choose-your-own-adventure, pick your response:

1. As a young child, I lived by the pleasure principle; didn't we all? It was all about me. I was very often naughty. I did know that it's not nice to steal at Christmas, but I also thought I would get away with it: I sought the immediate pleasure of a soft plush toy and avoided the painful boredom of my own "toys".

2. Are we really responsible for things we've done at 5? Already I was burdened as the eldest in a growing family, expected to set an example and remain forever responsible. By playfully switching toys - and wearing footie jammies - I didn't have to grow up. Consider: Why would parents give a 5-year old a label maker? Preferential treatment (in favour of H) was rampant at home and sometimes, it was a hard-knock life, living in angelic H's shadow. I had to take what good I could get, by force if necessary.

3. Maybe I was just a jerky kid.

Forgive me, my bitchy little scribbler?


Kurt said...

A label-maker? I think we know who the monster is now!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm confused... I can see both sides.

H said...

Hey, you loved that label maker! Remember the crunchy sound it made as it punched out each individual letter (both capital and lowercase)? Remember how you carefully crafted the words "Poo Head" and placed the label ever so lovingly on my back? (Or at least you told me that's what it said. I couldn't read at the time.)

Anonymous said...

I'd have to go with response 2. I can see that at the age of 5, you were already feeling the pressure of being the eldest, most responsible child. It caused you to crack and survive by any means necessary, including taking what you wanted.

On an unrelated note, your parents might have given you that label maker to inspire you to become the fantastic writer/editor that you are today. I mean, how many kids can manipulate one of those to say "Poo head" at such a young age? You obviously had talent!

Dr X

Anonymous said...

Definely response 3.

donjmurray said...

My bet it is actually response number 4. But that is a mystery to all.