Friday, July 20, 2007

H vs M

I'm not one of those people who "doesn't watch TV" or "hates TV." Actually I hate those people. Smug fuckers, just because they are actually productive and participate in the world. Sheesh.

Energy-wise, I hit a major wall in the late afternoons (and after breakfast, before and after lunch, also around 3:15-ish) and TV saves me. More specifically, my favourite show, Kenny vs Spenny. And when I think about it, KvsS is actually a major influence on Sisterly Torture.

If you've never seen it, shame on you. (Though understandable, since nobody watches Canadian television.) But the concept is two best friends -- the self-proclaimed good one and evil one -- who hold weekly competitions, after which the loser suffers a massive humiliation. Competitions include "Who can stay awake the longest?" "Who can live in a van the longest?" "Who can wear a dead octopus on his head the longest?" and many more.

This show is a fascinating look at rivalry and the struggle between the forces of good and evil. It's also packed with super-immature-toilet-sexual-grossout humour, so I'll admit it takes a special person (one who is at her core, extremely immature) to appreciate its genius.

Okay, so we don't exactly hold formal competitions, but M and I certainly compete. And I don't claim to be the "good" one, but I do claim to be the better, nay, best one. So, M, when we see each other on July 28th, are you interested in a challenge (or a good old fashioned ass kickin')? Here's what I've come up with so far:

- Who can be nice the longest.
- Who can go the longest without swearing.
- Who can win at badminton.
- Who can steal the most of the other's stuff unnoticed.

As for humiliations.... any ideas?

(I saw Kenny in the grocery store once. All I could think to say was, "I have your face on a mug!" so I opted not to talk to him.)


M said...

Oh it's on, it's most definitely on...

Your crushing (by me) will be glorious.

Kurt said...

I love The Newsroom.

donjmurray said...

I think it should be who can cook the best food (I can judge that if you like).

Or better yet

Who has the best taste in wine. Again I think I could be a GREAT judge for that one.

Anonymous said...

As a one of those smug fuckers who doesn't watch much TV, I've never seen Kenny vs. Spenny, but I think I should now that H has sold it so well. I love immature humour!

I think H and M should do a challenge, but one that's fair. Stealing from each other would be good. So would Don's ideas.

And for a humiliation, how about the loser has to kiss the winner's shoes? :)

Dr X

Bobby D. said...

My favorite challenge was to see who could keep silent longest ... after awhile everyone starts to mellow out...lost in thought, and someone forgets...and says something.

My second favorite challenge is the staring contest.

M said...

How about who can clean M's house the fastest? Think about it.

Anonymous said...

THE CHALLENGE: Who can be the better waitress/hostess
THE DATE: Saturday, July 28
THE JUDGES: E, Dr.X, D. Murray, I.Mutabdzic
THE HUMILIATION: Loser must write a blog in PRAISE of the'll hurt like hell.

H said...

Ah, I see that sister E has unexpectedly quit lurking for a few sentences. Your competition idea is self-serving, but I admire your creativity. We have obviously taught you well. M is already my bitch, so acting as server might be a little too easy for her....

Anonymous said...

I like E's idea. And it isn't just self-serving. It servers others too. :)

Dr X

Bobby D. said...

I'm watching TV right now as I type...Anthony Bourdain is about to kill a pig and cook it.