Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Promise Kept... Finally!

Our one reader might remember that a couple of months ago, M and I had a major conflict. Basically, she promised that she would come and visit me, but then reneged on that promise, something about being unable to afford it due to mortgage payments or some unnecessary expense like that. (And then I noticed that she had some new South Park memorabilia, so I know where her money goes. Maybe I can't blame her for that.) Lame.

However, I'm pleased (and somewhat apprehensive, and a little tired) to tell you that M has finally made good on that promise. On Thursday night, she will be coming for a short trip to my current part of the country. Oh, the plans I have made! We're going to cover the spectrum from desert to mountain. And go to a really giant mall. M loves malls, whereas I believe I am allergic.

So here is a sample of our first destination. That's me in the centre of the picture. Before any Halfpint jokes get flung around, check out my disclaimer.


M said...

H, you are so cute, I could just pinch you! I'll see your hell and raise you an adorably high-maintenance guest (that's me).

karla said...

hmm. Is that Drumheller? They have a nice Quizno's there, with a self serve pickle bar. Personally, I liked climbing the big dinosaur.

Fred said...

I also want to pinch you, I didn;t at first, but then I read M's comment.

If your going to hang out in that hell, do stay hydrated.

Anonymous said...

I do remember that quarrel you two had over M visiting you H. But buying South Park stuff is never wrong.

And nice picture! That's pretty much how I picture hell (but with more lawyers). I particularly like the green letters - reminiscent of Simpsons Hallowe'en episodes.

Have a fun trip to Hell M. BWA HA HA!

Dr X

Kurt said...

I recommend you take the Via.

donjmurray said...

Don't forget the flight to the heavens. Har Har Har the plans that we have in the land of milk and honey.

Anonymous said...

have fun sistas!