Sunday, August 19, 2007

West End Girls

H was a fab hostess and succeeded in keeping me entertained, even though it challenged her comfort limits to be out of the house and away from her computer so much. I think she's growing as a person, just not literally.

Friday was commerce-centric. Money was exchanged for many goods and services, and later, we refreshed ourselves with food and drink:

But it wasn't all about acquiring stuff. We hit the road on Saturday. Our first stop was a museum, where we "celebrated the long history and spectacular diversity of life, from the tiniest grains of pollen to the mightiest dinosaur". Hell yeah!

After enriching ourselves and dodging excitable children, we relaxed and ate pickles. Seriously.

We scampered into the badlands, climbed moderate slopes and tried not to fall. We were obviously pleased with ourselves:

Then it was back to the car, where we spent the next couple of days subsisting on snack foods and driving from town to town, stopping at various natural wonders along the way:

We truly did cover the spectrum of nature. And I even got to drive, after a refresher course in defensive techniques:

As expected, there was only one instance of violence. There was no permanent damage and after some talks, we forgot all our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream.

Merci, H!

Oh, and the security story is lame, but it still pisses me off. I'll tell it tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

That was an excellent travelogue M. Nice pictures! I particularly like the one of you driving that fine-looking car.

I'm glad you had a good time out west and that H was able to grow, however un-literally!

Dr X

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wanted more conflict, more violence!

Kurt said...

Great pics. What country is that?

H said...

Thanks for the mini trip diary -- well done. M has lovely rose-coloured glasses, don't you think? I am interested in the security story, but I always shake my head at "authority figures" who are total jackasses. I am currently in our country's smallest province visiting our mother with our other sister, E, who told me an interesting story on a similar theme (but it involved a cop and the word "evidence"). What's going on?
Oh, and I'm on dial-up, people. DIAL-UP. It took me two hours to post this comment.

Anonymous said...

Ouch H. Dial-up is hella-rough!

I also want to hear the airport security story, and the story of E and the cops. Maybe she should get her own blog? :)

Have fun in Nunavut!

Dr X

hex said...

Hey, you got to go to God's country! Hope you enjoyed it and remembered all of my Alberta tales (if I ever told you any).