Monday, September 10, 2007

Lola's Metamorphosis

Since most of my stuff is in M's basement (and after the diary incident I'm beginning to wonder if that was really the hot idea it once seemed to be), I don't have easy access to all the photographic evidence that I once did. But as luck would have it, I managed to find Before and After shots of Lolach The Destroyer, so you can see her impressive transformation.

I was just remembering how Lola and I used to fight when she was a kitten. She would claw at the drawstrings on my pyjama pants and scratch and bite my legs. Then I would get angry and lock her in the bathroom, only to let her out 15 seconds later because she'd start meowing pathetically. Then we'd do it again. M never took my side.

As a 1-lb kitten, I could cup Lola in my palm like a dinner roll.

As a 20-something-lb cat, picking her up is like hefting a sack of flour -- but that's only if you can get close enough.


Kurt said...

She's a monster!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures and story. Just don't come crying to me if M and Lola beat you up!

Dr X

karla said...

Oh my fuck! She is bigger than my kid!

Rub that gorgeously huge belly for me will ya?

donjmurray said...

My oh my. This cat is growing. But wow what a cute little kitten. I can just hear lola....GET IN MY BELLY......har har har

M said...

She's 20 lbs. of love. You should be so lucky, H.

Anonymous said...

hahah that's good. I love Lola.. funny she didn't scratch me when I picked her up and pet her.. in fact, she purrredd!