Monday, October 01, 2007

Lolach's Law

Since the cops weren't much help and Lola has them in her back pocket (so to speak), looks like I'm going to have to be a bit more persistent. Since Captain Budge is currently my only "in" I decided to start there.

(I knew my personalized stationery would come in handy!


M said...

It's nice that you're trying to give back to the community; you've taken so much from it. I can't wait to see you! And neither can Lola.

Kurt said...

Perhaps there should be some sort of wrestle-off.

Anonymous said...

That's a very professional letter H. I'm not sure they'll pass the law though. 2 weeks in the bathroom is pretty ser ious punishment!

I don't think you'll get the bodyguard either, so be careful at M's.

Dr X

Anonymous said...

Normally I'd say that M would win a wrestling match, but since she lost at arm wrestling...

donjmurray said...

and no clingers either!

Anonymous said...

Better watch out.. Lola might leave a urine sample on your bed...