Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Meaning of Fuck

Want to hear another little story about M? Gather 'round, kids.

I was a very innocent child. Sheltered even. My head was not polluted with ugly thoughts or words or fears. Well, at least not until one day.

I was probably five years old, which would make M seven. We were playing outside with a bunch of neighbourhood kids, some who were boys. It was one of those carefree summer days of sliding down the wet banana and playing tag. The sun shining, the birds singing, all that crap.

But suddenly, it all changed. One of the neighbourhood boys, M's friend Eric N, said the queen mother of all swears: Fuck. A hush went over the children (quite a feat, since it takes a lot to shut up kids). "M," I asked, wide-eyed and serious. "What does that word mean?"

M's expression grew grim, like a mother telling her child the truth about Santa. "Come here," she said, and led me behind our brown Chevrolet station wagon. We crouched down by the licence plate and I still remember the the crunch of driveway gravel beneath my flip flops.

"Fuck is a very bad word," M said. "And you should never say it."

"But why? What does it mean?" I asked.

M sighed, as if all the world's truths were about to come spilling from her mouth. "It means," she said with a dramatic pause." A man's bum crack."

That moment is the cause of my current inability to make decisions, my fickle nature, and my bi-annual existential crises. Because, you see, M never explained further, but I had so many questions. How was a boy's bum crack different from a girl's bum crack? And what was so horrible about bum cracks that they became the word that should never be uttered? Bum cracks were funny, weren't they? Apparently not. Apparently, the time my friend Bobby P's swimshorts came down a bit after doing a cannonball in the pool, I had seen his "fuck." And I would never be the same.

It took several years before I learned the true meaning of the word. And when I did, well, that's another story.


M said...

Ah yes, that was the source of a lot of confusion…

I meant well, but it’s a bonus that my explanations messed you up. HA!

Bobby D. said...

eeww, man bum crack...I really don't know what to say about this post. Disturbing. It brings back things kids told me when I was small--things I don't want to remember.

Anonymous said...

Cute story.

I suppose the fact I was laughing about "wet banana" for 15 minutes means I'm not innocent-minded.

Dr X

Anonymous said...

lol.. that is hilarious!

Kurt said...

She was close.

Fred said...

We were considering M for a teaching position.

Bobby D. said...

I'm inviting M and H to a challenge at my place.

H said...

Right on, DCB! My poetic juices are flowing. And I won't even use one swear word this time.

M said...

I'm there! And H? You can't NOT swear. Remember the comps?

karla said...

Very funny! That's by far, the best definition of the word I have ever heard.

Anonymous said...

It is not a nice word.

Catlin said...

I've had a similar adventure with the word blow-job, but I'm trying to forget about it so I won't go into it.

Marianne Faithfull's autobiography is the best I've ever read. It's so adventurous and full of life.

H said...

That's so funny, Catlin, because I also have a story about learning the meaning of the bj. (And am trying to forget it.) Thanks for the biography recommendation.

Elma said...

I aways wanted to know more about Marianne Faithful--I'm going to get that book too!

I have a bad memory from early childhood too.

Bobby D. said...

could you post some pics of your snow? Does it really exist? in great quantities?