Saturday, May 26, 2007

Under Siege

The response to my recent confrontation with M has been enormous. I have heard from numerous readers (a.k.a. Mom, Philip and Finnegan the guinea pigs) who do not hesitate to attack my character. They say I took things way too personally and that I was kind of a "Bratilla the Hun." The local media document my every move, taking my picture and begging for interviews as to why I am so lame and M is such a witty thing. Curse you, M! I must think more about this. In the meantime, I give you an example of the circus my life has become, and I am off to be sure my blinds are closed.


Kurt said...

This blog is really living up to its name!

donjmurray said...

I with H on this one. I think the hybrid police are after us. bye bye

Mark said...

Sweet! You finally got a blog.
Good for you guys!

Sam said...

The Daily Yap?

Anonymous said...

Hounded by reporters and unable to get beer?!? *Gasp* Whatever will H do to get herself out of this situation?

Some suggestions:
- Tint the windows of your domicile and hybrid car.
- Get beer delivered by a service like B&D.
- Avoid drunk driving with a child on your lap. The media ate that one up when another celebrity did it...
- Shave your head.
- Consider "not being a bitch".

Just some thoughts. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to eat some pickles and dial that 1-900 number...

Dr X

Sebastien Millon said...

Haha, funny! Bratilla the Hun, sounds hellacious, I'm scared... Hey, you should do some coke and drink and then drive and crash your car. Then maybe you will be able to join Paris and Lindsay Lohan in jail, I hear jail is a nice way for celebrities to avoid the limelight.