Sunday, January 13, 2008

Keep Me in Coffee

The previous title had me worried. We're not making it that kind of blog, despite what some naughty keyword searchers might wish. And this is H I'm dealing with, the girl who remembers - vividly - every bloody thing I've ever done to her or near her. She's a mini-ninja with a computer and camera, a pint-sized terror with a wicked way with words - who knows what else she's got on me, what she might be plotting? I fret.

With so many sordid possibilities, you can understand that I was relieved she only exposed my dependence on my dark master. Yes, I have a delicious addiction. Caffeine is the perfect natural stimulant for me. My lifestyle demands it. It's a joy to drink. Without it, I'd never go to work, or get out of bed. In fact, a perfect morning involves going back to bed with coffee. I'm irrationally annoyed when people say "EXpresso". I wish I'd thought of first. And I covet a home bean roaster.

M enjoying freshly ground coffee at a plantation!

Tease all you'd like, H, but I seem to remember how grateful you were over the holidays, when I'd thoughtfully bring freshly brewed coffee to your bed every morning to gently greet the day. And I really believe that moments like those are worth some extra bitchiness.


Anonymous said...

I think you both have a coffee problem!

H said...

For the record, you brought me coffee only ONCE, and it didn't have enough milk in it. It took all my strength not to throw it back at you and exclaim, "What is this swill?!" But you know, it was Christmastime.

dennis said...

Dennis would like to axe you a question about espresso

Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't actually eat the coffee!

Bobby D. said...

thanks a lot M.

After reading this post I researched coffee bean roaster and found out that I have been drinking disgusting old stale coffee for decades now. After the ice cream maker, I said "No More Small Appliances!" but portable hair dryer girl loves them... so maybe we will get a roaster for her birthday.

Anonymous said...

You can never have too many small appliances. I would love a bean roaster.

Kurt said...

I strongly believe that purchasing a roaster would be taking it one step too far. For God's sake, the store already "proudly roasts [their] coffee fresh daily."

Anonymous said...

The roasters are ridiculously expensive and take up precious counter space.

H said...

PS, M has already been through 2 different expresso machines... She also has bowls in the shape of apples.

M said...

Nice, H. The bowls were a gift! And it was definitely more than once, you're simply spoiled.

My kitchen is too small for a roaster, but I'd love it. At some point. It wouldn't be taking it too far at all! Then wouldn't it be nice to eliminate my dependence on chain coffee shops?

Anonymous said...

H- pls e mail me a photo of your Conair (natural habitat if poss, but glamour shot is OK too) M-ditto on your PHD.

dennis said...

Dennis thinks if M. got a home roaster M. could sell fresh brew to the neighbors.

Coffee Messiah said...

I'm with you, although out here in indy-anna, that's what you hear most, "expresso" and that with no crema is what you get! ; (

Thank goodness for the home machine!

And you can never get enough. Coffee Roasting would be the ultimate and may be in our future as those home machines are quite good now.


taco said...

this is day 3 of my NO MORE COFFEE or caffeine for a while thing. i thot i was supposed to get a headache or be extra tired... when does them thing kick in???

maybe coffee not as addictive as i think.