And it's been satisfying. Still...
Sometimes, isn't one-upmanship what it's all about?
Um, we're supposed to love each other, right?
TREMBLE before the indignation of a younger sister!
WITNESS a passive-aggressive squabble!
SMIRK at the ridiculousness!
H, your comic is a testament to your self-absorption.
It was my trip, not YOURS. And a guilt trip is hardly what I had in mind, kiddo*. I wanted to go West and live, dammit! I wanted to climb every mountain, to shop and demand that you feed and entertain me! These are pleasures that too few people have experienced. And if I visit in a couple of months instead of a couple of weeks, won’t that be something to look forward to? I think it is.
It's good that you're defying our DNA and confronting me – in comic form, no less. [Please wear a cape for the next installment.] I suppose I should be glad that you can express yourself in our blog, lest your anger inappropriately come out after a beer or two (or five).
H spoke from the heart, and I heard her. I almost regret giving her my sunglasses after she lost hers.
*I am such the older sister.