I'm not one of those people who "doesn't watch TV" or "hates TV." Actually I hate those people. Smug fuckers, just because they are actually productive and participate in the world. Sheesh.
Energy-wise, I hit a major wall in the late afternoons (and after breakfast, before and after lunch, also around 3:15-ish) and TV saves me. More specifically, my favourite show, Kenny vs Spenny. And when I think about it, KvsS is actually a major influence on Sisterly Torture.
If you've never seen it, shame on you. (Though understandable, since nobody watches Canadian television.) But the concept is two best friends -- the self-proclaimed good one and evil one -- who hold weekly competitions, after which the loser suffers a massive humiliation. Competitions include "Who can stay awake the longest?" "Who can live in a van the longest?" "Who can wear a dead octopus on his head the longest?" and many more.
This show is a fascinating look at rivalry and the struggle between the forces of good and evil. It's also packed with super-immature-toilet-sexual-grossout humour, so I'll admit it takes a special person (one who is at her core, extremely immature) to appreciate its genius.
Okay, so we don't exactly hold formal competitions, but M and I certainly compete. And I don't claim to be the "good" one, but I do claim to be the better, nay, best one. So, M, when we see each other on July 28th, are you interested in a challenge (or a good old fashioned ass kickin')? Here's what I've come up with so far:
- Who can be nice the longest.
- Who can go the longest without swearing.
- Who can win at badminton.
- Who can steal the most of the other's stuff unnoticed.
As for humiliations.... any ideas?

(I saw Kenny in the grocery store once. All I could think to say was, "I have your face on a mug!" so I opted not to talk to him.)